Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why We Bond...

in Minnesota. They say people who go through tragedies together, often bond in a special way. I believe that is why we Minnesotans love living here. This extremely, freezing, unbelievably cold, beyond your imagination somewhat of a tragedy! However, we Minnesotans will go out and brave these conditions and keep on pluggin' along and we do it with a little complaining (because it's kind of fun to complain). This morning however I was actually laughing at how freakin' cold it is.
Trip down memory lane:
When Spencer and I moved to Minnesota after living in Colorado and we were walking into school one day, we both were really quiet.
I finally broke the silence and said, "Spencer, something is wrong with my nose! It feels really weird!"
Spencer says, "Kristen, that is your nose hairs actually freezing!" Ugh!!!
Well we are well beyond nose hair freezing type temps...
When I left this morning my car temp said - 20 by the time I got to Andover High School is said - 30, I mean really?
I'm proud to be a Minnesotan where the temps are always cold and I'm proud to be a Minnesotan where my nose hairs get to freeze! (humming to the song, I'm Proud to be an American.)


Audrey said...

"I'm proud to be an american, where at least I know I'll freeze!"

Samantha Hussong said...

You had school today? We got cancelled. Now you know it is cold in Minnisota when you don't have to go to school. hahaha I actually told the kids this morning when we were bringing Gabe to school that my nose was freezing and of course they tought I was weird. Is Kaydree feeling better? Have you gone shopping lately? JcPennys has 70% off well clearance of course but included is winter coats even columbia coats. Also target has an extra 30% off of clearance clothes that are on hangers.

Samantha Hussong said...

Minnesota sorry on the spelling!

shantel said...

I can't believe how cold it gets in this state!!! I loved the two hour delay on school though. :)

Laurel Criddle said...

You are too funny! I cannot believe how cold it is there. I really can't imagine that. The coldest I've been in is like 5 degrees.

Well i just got home from dropping Dad and Mom off at the airport! They are so excited to see you and your home and everything. I sent a few little gifts for the girls too. Have so much fun this weekend! Sorry we cant be there too!

Andie said...

I never thought about it till reading your post---but it's true. People are a little bit nicer to each other in a fun "We're all in this together" kind of way.

Today I had a nice lady chase me down in the Target parking lot because I had dropped a box of diapers off the bottom of the cart without knowing it. Probably somewhere in the thought process was, "man, I don't want this lady to have to take her little boy back out in the cold when she gets home and realizes she is missing her diapers!'

Now I'm humming "we're all in this together" from HSM. :)

Brenda said...

Yeah, it's a bit nippy! But I can't imagine living where the seasons don't change. No smell of spring when you see the icicles melting. No crisp fall days, no clear frosty winter air. And no snow for Christmas? No way!

Kathy Koch said...

It sure is cold out there but there is a little adventure in heading out the door to brave the elements. I would surely miss the changing of the seasons and for some reason maybe because we have been able to avoid long winters for the last 11 years that I am excited to be here for all this adventurous weather....
Not to worry it is going to warm up next week and all this will be a memory.

Nicole said...

It's fun in a painful way to go out in this weather. I agree, though, that people are surprisingly cheery about it.

Clint said...

Love the post! People do seem to be much nicer when we are all freezing together! Have a great, warm weekend!!