Friday, January 9, 2009

Another Cooking Disaster...Ugh!

Last night I decided to make spaghetti. I started making the regular spaghetti noodles and over cooked them. Kaydree tried one, spit it out and said, "They are mushy...really mushy, yuck!"

I had a box of macaroni noodles up in the Kitchen and didn't feel like going downstairs to our food storage to get a new box of Spaghetti Noodles, so I quick started making macaroni noodles. As soon as Benjy and the girls started eating (I was eating a salad), Kaydree was acting very funny and Benjy said, "Have you ever chewed teeth because that is what it is like eating these noodles?" I guess the noodles were not cooked. does one go from over done noodles to under done noodles. I was so frustrated I envisioned myself throwing the plate of noodles across the room. I hate cooking. I really do! Which will lead into my next post on the stress in my life right now! I sat there very quietly thinking about how I would seek my revenge. I wanted to say, "Fine....everyone for themselves! I am not cooking anymore. I would rather eat a salad and healthy stuff, anyway!" I don't like cooking, so when I do and it doesn't turn out and other family members complain about it...I want to scream! I didn't of course and looking back is kind of funny, of course at the time it wasn't! Benjy loves to use humor when I am REALLY not in the mood! I am a leftover kind of person, but last night I threw the leftovers away! Ha...Ha...I'll show those, dumb noodles! I am done with my rant now and on a positive note, I went shopping after dinner and got some smokin' deals. A $5 pair of shoes at Maurice's and a $7 pair of jeans at Kohl's for short people...see I can find the Silver lining in my day!


Audrey said...

you like to clean? Cause if you do, I think we could work something out. I will cook EVERYTHING if you will just clean up after me :)

Samantha Hussong said...

Your cooking is fine. Everytime we have eaten at your house I always want the recipe cuz it is so good and you know how picky I am.

Laurel Criddle said...

Awww I'm so sorry! That is frustrating especially when you are cooking for your family who usually don't have a problem telling you how it is. Even Ryan throws food off the plate if he doesn't approve! Wish I was closer because I LOVE to cook and I'd bring you meals on your off days. I'm sure it wasn't as bad a you say it was! You make a killer cookie salad (remember?) and you make dang good macaroni and cheese! I remember!

Nicole said...

Sorry to hear you had another bad cooking experience...sounds like the family may have to choose between salad and cereal for dinner from now on :)

The Miller Family said...

I'm only laughing because I feel the same way sometimes! Any time I try a new recipe, it's horrible. Even if it's one I got from somebody because I'd had theirs and it was so yummy. Only one time EVER have I liked a new recipe I've tried. Nope. I stick to the basics around here.

P.S. Joe-Z tries to use humor to lighten the mood too. I'm really not all about it. Afterward, I can look back and see he was trying to make it better, but at the time I'm like "Why are you doing that? You know I hate it when you do that! It's not even funny!" Lol. And he just giggles under his breath :o)

Andie said...

My worst spaghetti disaster was the first time I made my grandma's sauce and I mistook a CLOVE of garlic for an entire BULB of garlic. We had pizza that night! :)

shantel said...

Your a GREAT cook everyone has bad days, some are just more often than others ;)

Janice Anderson said...

Cheerios or toaster waffles are a good alternative for the troops for dinner. Bob likes to cook. In fact, he learns to make anything I cook if he likes it. Only then, he makes it more "flavorful" by not draining the meat or adding MORE of whatever is fattening or sauce-like. I let him. He likes the control, and I like not having to be responsible. Guess in some ways, that is an example of my lucking out. He never feels bad if his food is not well received. Is that a guy thing?

Luann said...

What is it about simple noodles we had a mac and cheese disaster here a few weeks ago I did not quite read the box right and tried to fix it making it worse.

I feel you pain but enjoy your new clothes!

Life with Mark and Kristin said...

Sorry you had a hard cooking night. My first experience cooking spaghetti was in college. I tried to cook a whole package in a small pan. It was hilarious! And, don't take the ranting, raving and complaints seriously. Kids just do that, or at least mine do. It happens just about every night at our house.