Monday, January 26, 2009

Feeling a Little Defensive....

I preface this post with this... my children are sleeping, my husband is in the shower and I have already read the Ensign this morning. Someone recently said that they took some time off of blogging to "be a better mom." I often get asked, "How do you find time to blog?"
My response is takes me anywhere from 10-20 minutes depending on the day, to make a post on our blog. If I were keeping a written journal, it would easily take that long.... if not longer. The majority of my post are done in the early morning hours when my family is sleeping, well...except for Charlee or on a 90 minute prep when I am subbing.
Also.... I do not watch T.V. We have one show that Benjy and I enjoy watching together..on Monday nights at 8:00 for one hour. Other than that....I do not sit in front of the Television, so replace my blogging time with one 1/2 hour show and there you go....that is how I find the time.
I feel a little defensive because I have had people tell or insinuate.... that somehow those of "us" that are bloggers are not as good of moms or friends because we blog? Well to this...I say... I know that someday my children, Benjy and I will look at these blog books and be very grateful that we have these memories for us and for our generations to come.
Even if I tried.... I couldn't even put into words how much I would treasure these thoughts, memories and testimonies if I had them from my grandparents that have already passed away.

We all have the same amount of we choose to balance our time is up to us and not for someone else to decide. Now...if Benjy or my girls told me that they were feeling neglected, I would get up at midnight and sacrafice my own sleep, if that is what it took.
I have some very private and heart felt eternal reasons why I blog...that I may share.... just not at this time.

I want to end this post with this...for all of you... that have shared with me how much you have enjoyed our blog and how much you hope that I never stop... (Aunt Judy...) I have promised you that I will not.... I want to thank those of you and tell you how much I love you for supporting and trusting in my ability and desire to constantly balance and make the most of my time on this earth because someday...I will be gone... but my memories will be available for my loved ones!


Brenda said...

Hi Kris,
I have never felt negatively toward you for blogging! I enjoy reading what is going on in your family, and the photos and hearing what you have been thinking about. I think it is valuable. Family History in the making. Keep it up, and thank you for letting me read it!

Chris said...


What you are doing isn't selfish but instead very thoughtful and considerate for the girls and your family. Don't let others' feelings of guilt get to you. I enjoy your blog, I enjoy blogging, and I really think like you that my family will treasure these blog books for many years to come. And because I don't journal otherwise, this is it and at least it's getting done. Keep it up and have a great week.

Audrey said...

Its pretty sad when someone will judge you because you are journaling. I've seen the way that you mother you are fantastic. Your girls are loved, taken care of, well rounded and spend a siginifigant amount of time doing activities that you have set up for them. You are a hands on mother who gives her children more than they need. I admire that you know your family and the have a solid handle on the best things to do for them. ie: Karsyn gets just a bit upset when her model snake breaks. You know what to do that will be best for her.

I was thinking this exact same thing about you on friday. I do really admire the way that you provide for your family. I think you've got it right.

I love you Kris and don't you dare listen to those people and keep on blogging! I will take it personally if you stop:)

Andie said...

Again, I say to anyone who has issues with my blog, or your blog, or anyone's blog....if you don't like the content of it, DON"T READ IT!!!!

And it is nobody but the Lord's job to dictate to you how you spend your time. Anyone who thinks they have any business there is mistaken. Do you tell people that they are bad mothers because they watch TV, or read novels, or play tennis, or crochet? Seriously, where do people get off?

Samantha Hussong said...

Kris - don't stop, which I know you won't, I check every morning when I get to work to see if you have blogged. I know you just had to voice your opinion to get it off your chest. My only wish is that I could write as well as you. I know you care what other people think but as long as you know your family isn't suffering from your blogging that is all that matters. Keep it up - I love to know what you are up to each day. Love Sam

Kathy Koch said...

Wow here I go again being a protective mother and I feel very protective right now..
You are a wonderful blogger, journaler and so many people enjoy that you share with us all that goes on in your everyday living and there are ten fold who enjoy your blog than feel threatened by it. All I have to say is be careful those who live in glass houses that you do not throw the first stone.....

shantel said...

I think taking 15 minutes to even an hour for yourself each day is just fine, and if you fill that time with blogging, great even better!! Keep up the GREAT work!!

Laurel Criddle said...

That makes me laugh! I can't believe someone would say that! I completely agree with you. It is a journal entry and the way you blog is not a waste of time. I've seen you mother and be a wife and you are the last person that should worry if you are doing a good job at it.

Linz said...

I hope this is not because of that story I told during my talk yesterday! I don't think it is, but I just want to make sure!!! I blog everyday too! And I too do it at the same time as you and rarely watch TV. LONG LIVE BLOGGING!

Brenda said...

No way, you keep on a postin'! Women can be so jealous of one another sometimes. But we can also be soooo supportive and you can see you have tons of that! Love ya, Brenda

Serena said...

Just be yourself and people can judge if they want. But we all know that it isn't good to judge. I am sure plenty of people think I waste my time with sewing or whatever. Keep up the blogging. I love to see what your family is up to and you do a great job of writing.

Danielle L. Lampert said...

Through viewing other Anoka Ward members blogs, I have come across yours and whenever I get time (not too often, mostly when I get home sick) I have skimmed through yours, and I have enjoyed reading about how well Benj, the girls and you are all doing. My favorite blog was the one of Kaydree's baptism.
Don't worry about what others think or say. You know we have been counseled to journal, how you chose to do that is your choice. Take care Kristen!