Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well....It isn't A Secret...

That I didn't want
Senator Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States, however it looks like that is going to be the case. It isn't official yet, but it is looking pretty impossible for Senator John McCain to win.
So where does that leave those of us who are completely bummed out?
Speaking for me and my family.... we will move forward and RESPECT this man as "Our" President of the United States. We will not agree with his decisions. We will however support him and pray for him and his family. I really do pray for their safety! We have been praying for their safety and will continue to do so.
Thank goodness for the polls so that we had time to prepare for this. I hope and pray that this will unite us in ways racially that needed to happen and for that I can look towards the future with optimism.
So... I will say Congratulations to President Obama because he is our President and I will pray that he will still have a change of heart when it comes to being PRO-LIFE! Actually he was just confirmed President! I guess watching all of these Black People crying..... I can't help but be happy for them. I can't even imagine how this feels for them! If I set Politics aside and think about what this means for our Country, in terms of racial discrimination, I too, can celebrate!


Andie said...

I'm glad you are able to see a silver lining. I am having trouble...

Kathryn said...

As a democrat, I really respect your open mindedness. As for your question on Obama's stance on abortion, watch the third presidential debate. His stance is the same as the LDS church's stance, down to the belief that sexuality is spiritual and should only happen in marriage. I think a lot of people, especially republicans, are misinformed on this issue. maybe you can help educate others you know about this great blessing of a president who shares our beliefs on this important issue

Ashton & Co. said...

Wow! Lots to catch up on...Cute Halloween posts and it sounds like you are very busy! (BTW, I also despise when "workers" show up at your house in the a.m. and I still need to shower...we've had that happen ALOT in the last year!)

Let's hope for the best with obama! :)

Sarah said...

Good perspective. I agree that it's important to respect the president even if we disagree with basically everything they stand for. Hopefully he will prove us wrong.

Kathy Koch said...

You are right Kristen One of the greatest freedoms in this country is our right to vote and the majority has spoken and now we must all stand behind our new president because he has a very tough job to do and he will need the prayers and support of everyone

Kristen said...

I don't know who Kathryn is or how you found my blog or if you are a follower of this blog? Are you LDS? Yes, I watched the 3rd Presidential Debate,I knew that President Elect Obama, held to my personal belief on the Protection of Marriage, however he does not and has not voted Pro-life. He does not hold the same view as the LDS church when it comes to his stance on abortion and his voting record does show this. Thank you for your comment and I do look foward to the country to be united with it's choice for President. This is America and we need to stand together, now!

Kristen said...

As for me being able to find the silver lining, I do have a personal and vested interest in what the implications of having a Black President may mean for my husband and children. After someone you love is picked on or treated differently because of the color of their skin, you can feel hope that the majority of Americans will not hold someone back just because of the color of their skin... So yes, I can find the silver lining!

Serena said...

Thanks for your great perspective and attitude.

shantel said...

Well said Kristen!! I thought your post was going to be another person ripping Obama apart, I was pleasantly surprised!!

Laurel Criddle said...
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Danny and Shalayne said...

Kristen...we agree with you! We are trying to be positive though and we hope that he will prove to be a good leader!

Clint said...

I'm not as concerned about his view on abortion, because his philosophy on economic issues could take away that choice, even our very freedom, completely. We can't forget what he said to Joe: "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."