Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kind of a CRAPPY Weekend.

It's been kind of a Crummy weekend because Kaydree had a Birthday party that she was so excited to go to and it got canceled Friday night. She was so bummed, so we took the girls swimming.
Then my parents and Grandma were suppose to come up for Karsyn's Preschool program lastnight and the Primary Program today and hit some bad roads and had to turn around and go back.
On a positive note, Karsyn did so well and sang her little heart out at her preschool program.
Another positive note: Our house is spotless, dusted, floors cleaned by Benjy on his hands and knees (surprise), bathrooms scrubbed, windows washed, no shoes, hats, bags or mittens under, on or stuffed into the bench, we have all clean bedding, refrigerator stocked and all that good stuff that I rush to get do before we are suppose to get company.

And some sense of humor to enjoy in the process: I was on facebook this morning chatting with Stephen Gourley, who is one of the youth in our ward. He loves to give me a bad time through my facebook which is aimed at Benjy. He will say things like, "Tell Benjy, I can beat him up," and so on. Well, this morning he asked me how I was doing and I said, "I am nervous for the Primary Program today and I kind of have had a crappy weekend." He gives me a laugh by responding, "OH, your colon isn't happy!" Ha Ha....


Andie said...

Sorry your parents couldn't make it. I'm sad for you. I like the new furniture arrangement in your living room, though. :)

Kathy Koch said...

Nobody is more disappointed then Grandpa and I The house looks great and I am sure it was not that bad in the first place

Hope all goes well with the primary program and hopefully Karsyn can sings her songs for us the next time we see her.

stephanie said...

Sorry for your weekend Kris! I know the feeling..but doesn't it feel good to have a clean house :) I noticed your wall that Uppercase Living? We went to a party and have those awesome sticker phrases all over our house! Love em!

Luann said...

Your house is beautiful! Isn't spotless lovely especially after improvements!

Does your family have a long weekend if so enjoy the bonus days to re try the weekend!

The Seaman Family said...

Your house looks great as usual! The program went great today! Good job!

Ashton & Co. said...

Sounds like a bummer, yet fun weekend?! Your little Kaydree is too cute. We raked up TONS of wet leaves, too. NOT FUN!!!

Ashton & Co. said...

P.S. I forgot to say how beautiful your home looks. Nice to have it so clean I'm sure!!

Sarah said...

Your house is decorated so well and it is so clean. I love when guests come because it forces me to organize and clean. I'm sorry that you had a a crappy weekend, but it sounds like it turned out okay.

Brenda said...

Your house looks amazing! Keep posting photos, it's inspiring to me! And don't teenagers have a weird sense of humor? Sometimes mine laugh uproariously over something I think is only a little funny. Am I losing my sense of humor? Oh No! I'm OLD!!!

Serena said...

Your house looks great! And the program was great!! Sorry your parents couldn't make it.

Laurel Criddle said...

Sorry to hear about your bad weekend! Sounds like it was a bummer but ended up okay. K, that is the firs time I've ever seen pics of your home! It looks gorgeous! Wonderful taste! I'll fly you into Seattle when we actually get a home to decorate!

Samantha Hussong said...

Your house is never dirty!

Life with Mark and Kristin said...

Sorry you're parents couldn't make it. It was a lovely Primary Program. I'm sure they wish they could have come. It's awesome to have a spottlessly clean house. Maybe I'll achieve that someday, though I can't say that's one I've accomplished ever thus far. It looked awesome.