Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Last Minute Decision.

It has been a tradition for the last 5 years for Benjy and I to take a couple of days in March, either over Spring Break or my Birthday Weekend, to go somewhere, just the two of us. My parents have been so kind to watch the girls for us and we have usually tried to do something relatively inexpensive. This year our plan was to go skiing (snow in case any of you thought water?) and yet as the time drew nearer, we started dreaming of somewhere warm. This time last year I had the opportunity to go to Florida with my cousins, an aunt and an uncle to visit my parents. It was so nice. I kept thinking I couldn't wait to bring Benjy and the girls back there. To escape the Minnesota winter for even a couple of days is wonderful! So Benjy and I started looking for last minute deals. We found one to Cancun for 5 nights, air and hotel for $879. We were getting ready to book it when I thought I should check my passport and of course.. it was expired. Ugh! So then we started checking into cheap air to warm places in the United States and found Orlando tickets for $136. So we thought we scored. However Benjy kept saying, "I can't go there and be that close to Disney World and not bring the girls." I thought the same thing but we hadn't really planned on doing the whole Disney World thing this year. Thanks to Uncle Sam's nice surprise tax return, we decided to splurge and take the girls. We kept thinking that in one year from now, we will most likely be half done with our time with Kaydree living in our home. That is if she actually spreads her wings at 18? It makes me so sad to think how fast our girls are growing up. I feel like I have blinked and Kaydree is already eight. I'm afraid if I blink again, she will be off to college! With the struggles we have had when it comes to having children.... I feel especially desperate to treasure each and every moment with the two beautiful little blessings that we have been given. In the last couple of months, I have found myself hugging a little tighter, counting my blessings a little more and looking at my girls with tears of gratitude. In the last couple of months I have realized just what a miracle each of their births really were. In all reality in less than 13 years, Benjy and I could have all the time in the world to take trips, just the two of us and we will be wishing that our girls would make time for us in their busy lives! When I think that I have been out of High School for 15 years....again it makes me realize how fast time goes and that is time we can never get back. Soooo Disney we come. WE are all so excited that we are having a hard time focussing on anything else!
With ALL of that being said.... our decision is now which park to leave out? We will have a three day pass and will have to skip one park. If you have been to Disney World...which ones were your favorite or which one would you leave out. We are going to Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom for sure. So either Epcot or Hollywood will need to be left out.


Andie said...

I haven't been to Disney since I was five years old, before Epcot and the rest was even open, so I can't help you there, but.....

You guys are going to have such a great time no matter what you do! Ryan and I have never regretted one single vacation we've taken with the kids.

I keep forgetting to tell you thanks for taking the girls to the school carnival. They had a great time and we heard all about it when we called home last Sunday night. I just noticed that there are pictures of it up on your blog and they got to drink their favorite purple juice that you serve at your house.

Linz said...

Making great memories is just the best...I'm so glad you guys are doing this.

I vote for Hollywood Studios. I'm going to ask Nate what his vote is as well as some of my other Disney aficionado family members. I don't really know for sure what an aficionado is but it sounded right.

shantel said...

My girls say Hollywood Studio!!

The Miller Family said...

You HAVE to go here!

Nicole said...

Travis and say if you want more rides and attractions then you should go to Hollywood. Epcot is a lot of walking around and reading about the different countries. But we still both really liked it. If you have time you could try and do two in one day...your girls might not want to spend a whole day at Epcot and then you could go to Hollywood at night. Just a thought.

Chris said...

Our friends went this past Sept w/ their 10yr & 6yr old. They said Hollywood Studios has a lot of rides for the older kids, where as Epcot has some rides and sites for younger kids, especially with the different countries and traditions they have in each. Either way, you all will have a fabulous time! Enjoy.

Crystal said...

We love Disney World! My favorite is the Animal Kingdom. I guess it's a toss up for me between MGM Studio's and Epcot. Although, I love the Rockin Roller Coaster in MGM!! Have a great time. We're planning a trip there in 2010.

The Seaman Family said...

I have been to all of them a few times, older and younger and I say Hollywood!! Have a blast which I know you guys will. I got teary eyed reading your post and how wonderful children really are. HAve a BLAST on your trip.

Ashton & Co. said...

You guys will have so much fun! Everything is so magical at their ages. I would personally leave out Epcot, only because I remember going as a kid and thinking it was not that neat. I'm all about fast and crazy rides, though. I thought Epcot was a little too slow, although educational!:)I hope you guys have a GREAT time! Good for you!

Brenda said...

Tim votes to leave out Epcot. We have done all the parks multiple times when kids were different ages(relatives lived there). We have the book, how to do with all the day plans in it(the secrets of when to hit each ride and in what order). You are welcome to stop by and borrow it, Brenda

The Seaman Family said...

Hey I thought I left a message but maybe not! Well I have been to the parks to and would vote to leave out Epcot! They are all so fun but think the other ones are better. I really enjoyed your post, it made me teary eyed! Kids grow up so fast and are to precious. Enjoy your vacation!

Linda said...

Definately the "Happiest place on earth"! I love Disney!!! For sure Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom, the others are great too. You won't go wrong at either place! I'm so glad you are going!

Sarah said...

That will be such a fun vacation! I've never been there so I have never been there so I have no advice to offer- sorry. I'm sure the girls will love anything you decide!

Danny and Shalayne said...

How exciting! I loved Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom so I am glad you are for sure going to those! I like Epcot and Hollywood as well - Epcot is more informational and there are more kiddie rides I think whereas Hollywood as the Tower or Terror and the Aerosmith ride which are bigger rollercoasters, so it depends which your children would prefer and what kind of rides they like! Epcot seems a little more iconic than Hollywood to me of Disneyworld though! Either way, you will all have a blast! I'm jealous!