Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Glass Castle

There are a couple of different covers.
My friend Jody gave this book to me to read right before we left for Florida. Even with Disney World at our fingertips I couldn't wait to get a chance to read this book. It saved me on the plane. I don't like flying but between Karsyn being sick on the way there and having this book to read on the way back, flying didn't even phase me! I am telling you if you ever question those tough days as a parent and wonder if you are ruining your children or scarring them for life, you need to read this book. Or if you think your parents could have done a better job, you need to read this book! It will make you feel like you are doing a great job and that your parents could have been much worse. (Not that I think that mom and all, you know you were and are amazing parents.) It is an amazing book about perspective, adventure, neglect and forgiveness. Amazing, absolutely thought provoking, inspirational, heart wrenching and unbelievable. It's a quick read.


The "Serene" Life said...

This sounds like something I need to read....thanks for the info!

Janice Anderson said...

I read that!!! I found it several years ago. The love that exists in spite of all other factors is amazing. The human spirit is so resilient. Bad parenting doesn't mean bad kids. "Good" parents is no guarantee of "good" kids. Life is full of irony.

Brenda said...

OOOOoooo sounds right up my alley. I have a 10 hr flight coming up soon so thanks for the tip!

Kathy Koch said...

I just downloaded it on my kindle this morning so hopefully tonight I will get an opportunity to start reading it.

shantel said...

Thank You I'm in need of a good book!!