Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What's Up?

I realize this is probably the longest I have gone in between blog posts. Here is an update:

Friday, December 19th: We celebrated Christmas with our girls. We wanted to give them time to enjoy some of their gifts before we left for my parents. (WE got a lot of snow and freezing cold, so it was a good time to stay inside!) They each got a bean bag chair, which Kaydree wanted, so by default Karsyn gets one to eliminate the tears later! Among the other gifts: each a new DS game, they love the cooking one, and a couple of movies.

Saturday, December 20th: We had the missionaries over for lunch. I cooked a ham, cheesy potatoes and Rhodes rolls. I have to admit, it was delicious! Nicole and Ruby came over for lunch and hung out until Travis got done doing Toys For Tots.

Saturday night around 10:52 P.M.: Karsyn started throwing up. We laughed so hard because in the middle of an episode, she would throw up and say, "I can't believe I am doing this, I am really doing this!" Then she would have another heave and say, "This is soooooo disgusting!" When Kaydree gets sick, she just cries through the whole thing. Karsyn tries to talk herself through it! She was sick just about every hour through the night. Karsyn and I didn't go to church since she was pretty sick and running a fever. Benjy needed to teach a lesson and Kaydree got to sing in Sacrament Meeting. It sounds like Karsyn and I missed an amazing day at church. :-(

Sunday, December 21st: Karsyn and I slept most of the day and we had a neighbor bring us fudge and a Secret Santa (JoDell?) Drop off bags of activities for the girls and cookies for us on a really cute plate with vinyl on it! I wanted to take pictures however I temporarily misplaced my camera and couldn't find it all weekend!

Monday, December 22nd: I ran around like a Chicken with my Head Cut off....because we weren't suppose to leave to go out of town until Tuesday at 1 P.M. however Benjy called me Monday morning and said, "let's leave tonight because it's suppose to snow and start blowing later tonight and into tomorrow!" an understatement! We left by 5:30 and hit really, really bad bad bad bad bad roads. Do you get my point? It was white out conditions for the last half of our trip. Off and on we couldn't even see the road. We got to my parent's house with a lot of prayers and safely at 11:37 P.M. or so?

Yesterday, we took the kids Ice Skating on the lake.

Karsyn did not enjoy this experience.
About 1 minute into skating she wanted her boots on!

My mom and Steve and Lori's oldest daughter: Courtney, walking out onto the ice. Grandpa sat up in his heated truck or (The warming house) ;-)

Steve and Lori's daughter: KorinSteve and Lori's daughter: Sydney

Benjy tried to run and slide as fast as he could and ended up on the ice a couple of times.

It was a beautiful day and we had a great time!


Linz said...

I hope you can relax and enjoy Christmas Day after the sickness and bad weather! We think you guys are so awesome. Merry Christmas!

shantel said...

Ooooh.... I was doing pretty good about being away from all my family on XMAS, but your post made me a little homesick :( Have a Merry Christmas enjoy the time with all your family is everyone healthy?? We just got back from taking Emily to Minute Clinic......UGH!!!!

Laurel Criddle said...

Sounds like you were a busy lady but now are able to settle down and enjoy yourself! Sorry to hear Karysee was sick! I hope she is feeling better! Did Kaydree get it too? I concluded that NOTHING is worse than sick kids. If I don't talk to you, have a wonderful Christmas and give loves to everyone there! Looks freezing! Did you see we found out we are having another boy? Fun huh!? :)

The Seaman Family said...

How fun!! I am so glad that you guys made it there safely. How scary though. HOpe you have a Merry Merry Christmas and have some time to relax! Enjoy.

Andie said...

Glad you guys made it safely to your mom's. Isn't it scary the way the roads can change so quickly?

All that ice skating looks fun, but I'm with Karsyn.....just give me my boots, please! Janie is begging Ryan to learn to skate this year but I have a feeling she'll be in the same boat as Karsyn.

Merry Christmas!

Andie said...

PS Those pictures out on the lake are so pretty! I love the lighting.

Nicole said...

Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas with your family!

Linda said...

Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day!

Serena said...

Looks like alot of fun. I wish I could have seen the girls and Benjy skating. Have a Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it safe and sound. We were recently stuck on I70 in DC for 8 and a half hours on black ice. (The trip usually takes us an hour and a half!) Merry Chistmas!

Danny and Shalayne said...

Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful day! We miss you!

Samantha Hussong said...

Was Karsyn acting like we acted when Suzie took us ice skating when we were little?