Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WE got the Dreaded Letter!

Kaydree brought home the letter yesterday! ugh! There has been a reported and treated case of head lice in her class. When I taught out in Vegas this was a monthly occurrence. As a teacher I use to be designated to drop off supplies to those families that couldn't afford to fight off lice. I even use to wash some of my own students' hair when it wasn't getting done at home. When a case would surface, I would wear my hair up everyday and I would use tons and tons of hairspray. The school nurse said they don't like the I did whatever I could to fight it off. Now that it has surfaced in Kaydree's classroom....she will be wearing her hair up everyday and she will be using a ton of hairspray and I will be doing daily.....who am I kidding...? Hourly checks once she gets home!
Yuck! I know I can't put my kiddos in a bubble, but I am going to try to prevent and fight these little pests.....Wish me LUCK! I am going in to volunteer in her classroom today, guess how I will be wearing my hair?????


Audrey said...

Okay, that last picture is GROSSS! When I saw the title I thought maybe you have jury duty or something.

The Seaman Family said...

That is disgusting!! Blah...that pic even made my stomach turn a little. Good Luck

Kathy Koch said...

I remember the head lice problem out in Vegas and you are right if nobody treats it at home they do not go away.

Keep your hair up Kaydree and watch where you hang your coat..

stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! I had to scroll past that last pic..Gross Kris:) thanks for the visual!LOL Hope Y'all stay clear of those nasty critters!

Andie said...

Not to further fan the flames, but Nolan's second grade class kept passing around head lice for an entire year. There were only two kids in the entire class that hadn't had it at least once by the end of the year, no joke. Thankfully for me one of them was Nolan!

Does Kaydree have a locker or a cubby in the classroom? Those cubbies gross me out so bad....that's how it was being spread in Nolan's classroom....from kids throwing all their jackets and hats all over the floor because there was no room to hang anything...

Nicole said...

Oh sick. That is one aspect of having children I am not looking forward to. Hopefully the hairspray is enough to do the trick for Kaydree

The "Serene" Life said...

I heard there was a sale on hairspray at Target Kris....get going! Yuck....just reading about lice makes my head itch.

Tina said...

EWWWWW!!! Jacob's school had it but luckily since his class is never around the other classes, hopefully he won't bring it home!!! Good luck not getting it!!

shantel said...

All I have to say is EWWWWWWW!!! I swear Emily's class sent home atleast to of those dreaded letters last year, luckly we stayed lice free!!

Janice Anderson said...

I don't remember if any of our kids got lice back in the day, but I distinctly remember having another mother whose son I was baby sitting drop him off at our house WITH the lice shampoo and comb. She never told me he had lice and never asked if I was agreeable to take care of him while he had lice. If I had been home when she dropped him off, I would have refused to take care of him. So I shampooed his hair and did the whole care thing. Luckily, none of my kids got lice from him. I never knew about hair spray and chemicals in the hair before. Thanks for the knowledge!

Life with Mark and Kristin said...

We've received that letter twice this year alone. I'm always paranoid, but so far it's never hit any of our heads. I'll remember the hairspray hint!

Luann said...

Don't forget that lice do not like dandruff treatments. Since I started teaching 11 years ago I have used dandruff shampoo once a week and I have never had lice.

On a side note it has been making an appearance at my school to.