Thursday, December 18, 2008

He's Working Late Again?

And what a blessing it is! For the last couple of days Benjy has had to work late. Yesterday, he worked a 15 hour day and I love it! There are a couple of times a year when he is in trial or right now in Arbitration, and it requires his time and attention. When he gets home he is exhausted or "all worked up" as he puts it, too. His mind is constantly working and I can see that he truely loves what he is doing! In this economy we feel extremely grateful that he can work crazy hours, because it is job security! The bonus we get is that he loves what he is doing and I love seeing him so happy! Of course the girls and I miss him sooooo much and Kaydree constantly asks, "Will he be home to read scriptures with us, to say a prayer with us and tuck us in?" The girls got to stay up a little later last night just so that we could keep our family bedtime routine! I do get a lot more done at night when I am trying to stay busy to make the time go faster until he gets home!


Kathy Koch said...

What a nice picture of Benjy.

He does love the work he is in and I am glad you are being so patient with his long hours.

I hope he is able to relax when you guys get here to kick back for a few days.

The Miller Family said...

Wow. Kristen, you are so optimisitc, it puts me to shame!

Joe-Z leaves for work at 7:15 everyday, and Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday doesn't get home until 9:45 at night from school. His Wednesdays and Saturdays are spent doing homework, and I'm not nearly as happy about it as you are, lol. I'm a griper...I hate it, and everyone knows it, lol.

Thanks for inspiring me...I'm going to try to be more positive about it! You rock!

Nicole said...

Job security is a good feeling and it's even better that the downfalls are tolerable ones.

shantel said...

You absolutely right!!! Job security is big right now, and it's nice that Benjy LOVES he's job. GREAT ATTITUDE(sp) like always.

Andie said...

What good perspective you have! Amazing, isn't it, how you are being blessed with little things like patience and optimism so that you can be a blessing to Benjy!

Danny and Shalayne said...

isn't it the best thing to have your husband doing something he loves?! I agree - in this economy a good job is such a blessing. We got your package! Thank you so much! Danny opened it early, of course, but I am so excited for Ada to wear that darling outfit on Christmas!!! The target giftcard is so wonderful as well! Thank you! Thank you!!!

Hermana Whitehead said...

I've just been catching up reading all the blog entries I've missed since visiting your blog last. You are an amazing wife, mother, and person. I know this sounds trite, but it really is an honor for me to have known you and Benji in the Vegas days. I'm so happy that you have your priorities straight and are not just surviving, but thriving. Have a wonderful Christmas time, Kris.

Ashton & Co. said...

I love how optimistic you always are! Good for you! I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Benjy...We got a Newsletter? From a law firm that spotlighted Benjy. Very cool.

The "Serene" Life said...

I feel your pain! Wade has been working some crazy hours too.....a 12 hour day can be a "short" day for him. I agree in this economy its nice to have job security so I'll try and stay patient.