Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Have Been Tagged Twice...so..

So Jamie and Emily have tagged me now, so I guess I will do this, although I can't guarantee what you will get.....here are the rules:

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!

1. I am doing this because I enjoyed reading Jamie and Emily's random things....but hesitate to try to pick 6 random things to write about because I seem a little crabby today? When I feel like this, I try to really watch my thoughts and words because I know it isn't usually how I would normally feel and act or what I would say.

2. I am a morning person. I love the early mornings. I feel so much closer to Heavenly Father in the quiet early mornings. It is by far my favorite time of day and something I look forward to when I am not rushing to get out the door.

3. I get lost all the time when I am driving! I am always running late and have been this way since I was a little child. Ask my Mom and Dad! I actually hate getting to things early. I feel like it is a waste of time to rush to get somewhere early and then to have to sit and wait for something to start. I actually don't wear a watch because I demagnetize them. I get a watch and the battery dies, I get a new battery and it dies within weeks, I buy a new watch and the battery dies...hmm.... I would think I was crazy but Benjy has witnessed it!

4. I like Chocolate a lot!

5. I love to workout. It is my stress reliever. What I lack is the will power to eat the way I know I should!

6. I am usually cold and love to be warm and snuggle up. I like my house to be bright with the window shades up and the lights on. Benjy likes our house to be dark and all the lights off except for one little lamp. (Probably so he can't see the smear marks on the floors) ;-) I don't like to watch T.V. I absolutely hate commercials. I mute them when they come on which is why I prefer to read or blog instead. We both love to play games together like tennis, scrabble and racquetball because we are both competitive. We both do love to watch movies especially because they don't have commericals.

Like I said this was an odd post!

I tag Serena, Andrea, JoDell, Shantel, Audrey, Lindsey, Chris, Tina, Stephanie, Luann, Shalayne, Laurel, Crystal, Janice, Linda Holt, Michelle, Korbi, Nicole and anyone who wants to do this?!. (Samantha, Jamie, Becky, Tammy, Emily and Kansas Kochs you have already been tagged.)


Kathy Koch said...

You did just fine on your random thoughts because that is exactly what this blog should be.
I totally agree with you on getting somewhere early it does seem like a waste of time but I hate being late even more so I usually just drag my feet alittle.
I do enjoy you guys putting down your random thoughts because it makes me feel alittle closer even though I cannot be physically close. Thanks to you all

Samantha Hussong said...

maybe you need to get watches with mirrors on them again. Someday I will get to my post. Were you serious about how you liked early mornings?

Serena said...

Maybe we should call you Magneto, from the X-Men. I also enjoy early mornings for the same reason, I just think it is so peaceful. I also like chocolate.

The "Serene" Life said...

Why would you get another watch with a mirror on it? all you ever did was turn to the person next to you and ask them....."do I?" and "did I?"

I can't tell you how many times I heard these two phrases come out of your mouth in high school. What a funny memory!

Andie said...

Hmmmm, I guess I knew all of those things about you except the demagnatizing watches????? I just thought of how that little piece of randomness explains a lot of things---I'll have to share next time we chat! ;-)

I'll do the tag, just probably not today cuz I gotta do Rynee's birthday post.

Kansas Kochs said...

Hey Kris,
I am so far behind on keeping up with you! You have so many great blogs. I love the pictures at your mom's house. I wish I could be there to enjoy the wonderful fall feeling we get there.
Korin went crazy when she saw the Harry Potter blog and feels all proud that she kept pushing you to read them. The next movie will be out soon!!
Hope you have a great day.

Ashton & Co. said...

I love learning new things about you! Wish you guys lived closer...