Friday, October 17, 2008

Harry Potter Teaches about Friendship!

I finished the Harry Potter Series last night. I tried reading the last couple chapters out loud to Benjy as he drove, but I was crying so hard I couldn't get it out! What an amazing book! It ends exactly the way I wanted it to. I don't want to give away too much because I know I keep telling some of you out there that read our blog, that you would enjoy reading these books! I am still hoping some of you will give in and give them a try! You stubborn! ;-)
The friendship that exists between these three is unbelievable. The thing about these three is that they had their moments where they didn't always agree, they didn't always like the decisions the others were making, yet they found a way to truly love the person for who they are! They defended each other, protected one another and worked together in order to help one another reach their potential. When they were wrong or had moments of weakenss, they apologized and moved on but ultimately they loved one another so much that they wanted the very best for each other. Do you see why I loved these books so much! I am grateful for my friends that love me even with all my imperfections. I am grateful for my friends that know my weaknesses and yet love me in spite of them. I am grateful for my friends that balance me out and give me advice when I need it and correct me when I am wrong! I only hope that my friends know that I love them in this way and hope to be this kind of friend to them! I am grateful for friends today and everyday!


Audrey said...

I loved these books too!!! I actually avoided reading them because I tend NOT to be interested in anything that has been hyped up that much. But, luckily I gave in :)

Andie said...

Maybe I can download them to my ipod and listen while I am folding laundry and stuff. I'm afraid I'll get too sucked in! But with Nolan and now Abby reading them I probably should...

Your cousin hit the nail on the head the other day: You have a lot of good friends because you ARE a good friend. That's just ONE of the many things I admire about you! :-)

Luann said...

Funny you call others stubborn how long have we been telling YOU to get into Potter LOL? If you need to release about the series call me or e-mail.

On that same note THANK YOU for encouraging me to pick up Stephanie Meyers books. I am starting the last one today ( I have been listening to them.)

Serena said...

I am really enjoying The Giver, and Gathering Blue. I may have to start Harry Potter. I am starting the Messenger tonight. Can't wait!!

Tina said...

LOVE Harry Potter books!!! I need to start re-reading them again because, for the last couple months, I have been reading and re-reading the Twilight saga :-D I am a teeny bit upset that Half Blood Prince won't be out in theaters until next summer though.......

Chris said...

I love these books as well! I'm a slow reader because I take in every detail, but I was going through these books as quickly as I could. I love your blog and know that you are an amazing friend, no matter how far apart we may be or how out of touch sometimes we get. Enjoy your weekend!

Ashton & Co. said...

I've never read Harry Potter... Nice thoughts about friends, though!