Thursday, July 10, 2008

A whole bunch of Stuff!

When we got home, we had a Villarreal Family Reunion Package waiting for us! Becky sent us our Villarreal shirts, which are very sporty. Benjy has already worn his twice. We also received medals and a trophy for the Villarreal Especial Olympics. The girls are wearing them around their necks. Charlee is pouting a little, because he didn't get a shirt or a medal. Ha Ha ;-)

Remember the Pinata? Well, she sent enough candy to fill our Candy jar! Kaydree is cherishing it and it is so heavy she can barely hold it. Kaydree tells us that her "sweet tooth" is to blame for her candy cravings. She even points out which tooth it is!

They sent us what has already become one of our new favorite movies. They wanted us to have Matilda, and we watched it and laughed and laughed. Benjy felt very bad for Matilda, but he really liked it. GREAT MOVIE! I had read the book and the movie is really FUN.
The girls were so excited to have these wonderful cards in the package! I also received these cool magnets that are holding them up and between the cards. On the girls afternoon out, they made these at the reunion and I even got some... even though I wasn't there! :-) I absolutely love them! Thanks for making each and everyone of us feel so special and so loved! After an amazing weekend with my family and coming home to this package from Benjy's family, all I feel is gratitude for all that Heavenly Father has given us! Especially for the gift that our Families can be together forever!


Kathy Koch said...

Wow Becky did a great job sharing all the treasures of the week end with you guys. The t-shirts look good on the girls. Enjoy the candy.

Andie said...

That's so sweet that they all thought of you even though you couldn't be there.

Hermana Whitehead said...

I saw your comment on Crystal's blog and just had to click in to see your blog.

You have a beautiful family. I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly since we saw you get baptised in Las Vegas. I have noticed that you are always superb in everything you do. Blogging is no exception. Keep up the great work.
P.S. You look exactly the same as you did 11 or 12? years ago. Love to you all.

Hermana Whitehead said...

I just read your other comment. I'll send the secret recipes to Crystal and have her forward it to you; but you'll have to raise your arm and promise not to share unless you make that person raise their arm and promise not to share...

Audrey said...

I've got to ask, what in the world did you do with all of your time before you got into blogging???? You write a new one everyday! I do think its funny too have crazy your have gotten about taking photos of everything sense you FINALLY bought your camera:)

Kristen said...

Good question, Audrey, Actually I probably worked out more, then I am now. I use to scrapbook, but this is my outlet now! I also ended up bringing that camera back, I only had it for two days, because the pictures were too dark indoors. I found my old camera, but most of these pictures come from Emily (my sisiter in laws camera, Giggles n grins is her photography website.) The majority of the other pictures are from my mom's camera. I have given up on scrapbooking and have decided this is 10 times faster and less expensive, so I will be having a book made out of this blog for the girls. The church says to keep a book of remembrance, here it is!