Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Day on the Lake

After being on the lake all day yesterday, Karsyn was out. When I was growing up we always went to Canada fishing. My dad said watching Karsyn sleeping on the boat, reminded him of me. I always slept up under what we called the cubby hole. I can remember that sound of the boat motor going and the boat hitting the waves. I could sleep for hours.
Yep, I have always been a great sleeper! I guess Karsyn takes after me ;-)
Lori and the kids on a cruise. It was very windy, so we didn't think we could go out, but once we were on the lake, it was beautiful. I kept spraying everyone with sunscreen, but "some" of "them" the "adults" didn't get it on in time, and let's just say they were glowing red at night!
Steve, Spencer and Benjy
Karsyn and I enjoying the sun.
Benjy and Karsyn went on the tube. They flipped over backwards and Karsyn went under the water. She decided she was done. Benjy decided to finish the ride by himself, until he popped the tube trying to jump the waves.
The pontoon has a capacity of 16 people or 2500 pounds. WE are right at 16 people. Dad says the next one to have a baby has to buy another boat or a bigger one!?


Danny and Shalayne said...

I am SO jealous you get to go boating! That is probably my all time favorite thing to do and we don't have one or access to one! argh...I guess I'm not in the most boat-appropriate condition though! :)

Laurel Criddle said...

Popped the tube! HIlarious! Love it! Looks like so much fun! A little jealous since it only hit 68 today.

Samantha Hussong said...

Benjy - where is the picture of the green shorts??????

Andie said...

Tell your mom I would be willing to pitch in and help buy a new boat if she is willing to adopt me as part of your family. ;-) You are so lucky to have someone who takes care of you as well as your mom and dad do. Looks like you guys had a great time this weekend!