Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Villarreal Family Reunion

For the last four years we have attended a summer reunion in Washington. This year however, we are sad to say that we didn't make it out to Washington for the Villarreal Family Reunion. Benjy's sister Becky planned it and made us feel apart of it anyway. Thanks for all your love, Beck! Here are some of their pictures.
Grandchild number 9 and 12 are missing! Kaydree is the 9th and Karsyn is the 12th.
Remember how I said, "Benjy has the Villarreal Sense of Humor?,Well here is his brother David, who is also an attorney. The picture title was, "bobo the mini bike riding chimp!" Maybe he can ride this bike in a commercial while Benj wears the green swimsuit. I bet they would pick up a ton of clients!
We would have placed somewhere near the top in these Olympic games, I am sure!
Benjy says he would have schooled everyone with both girls on his back!
Remember this pinata for the next post!

1 comment:

Ashton & Co. said...

What a lot of fun new posts! That lake you are on is beautiful! What a fun holiday~ Happy anniversary, too! You guys are such a cute couple. Joel loves Benjy's suit by the way... When are you in Washington next?