Here is a picture of the old Blue siding against our brick. With our old camera and the way the sun was hitting it, you can't really see the contrast between blue and brick in the picture.Here is a picture of your new Natural Clay siding with the brick. Kaydree asked when she got home, did we get new brick too? It looks so nice together.
They are putting in our new windows as I type! We can't have any blinds up until Monday, after they stain them! That means our whole upstairs pretty much will be nice and bright! ;-)
I got a $10 coupon for JcPenny and the Nike running shoes she wanted were on sale so Kaydree got new shoes. Aren't they soooooo cute? Her old ones were getting a little too small. I sat looking at her shoes debating if I will go back to Nike. I have such fond memories with my Nike running shoes. I switched to Asics and then to New Balance, but miss my Nike Shoes!