Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grandpa's Farm Fresh Eggs.

About 6 or 7 years ago my parents started a tradition of getting the grandchildren baby chicks for their Easter Baskets. They would put food coloring on the back of the chickens so that the grandchildren could find their chick. The first group got so big and fat from too much corn, that they couldn't even walk on their little legs. They also gave baby ducks one year.. which were so cute. They followed my dad around like he was their papa. They eventually flew away, which made my dad a little sad, I think? So the baby chicks eventually grew up and my parents stopped giving them away and kept a couple. We all laughed and thought it was so funny. Just not what we thought my dad would be into. Yet, we were sooooo wrong. He loves all his little birds.
About a year ago my dad really started accumulating eggs. This is just the tip of the Iceberg! The girls love to pick the eggs with Grandpa. Last time we were home we talked about our favorite things we did....I said, "going to a restaurant with Grandma Ruth," Kaydree said, "the Parade," Benjy said, "Canning Apples," and Karsyn said, "PICKING EGGS!" None of us would eat them for a long time because they kind of grossed us all out. Benjy would literally get a gag reflex when my dad kept trying to persuade us all into eating them. My mom would use them in her cooking and we didn't mind that so much.
Grandpa started talking Karsyn into eating them scrambled and when they would come up to visit he would sneak a carton or two into our fridge for Karsyn. It was kind of funny how much we rejected the eggs for awhile, but then I came across a healthy eating article and found one on the health benefits of FARM FRESH EGGS FROM CORN FED CHICKENS.... So I decided to give them a try.
You really can tell a difference visually. They are a little smaller and brown.
They taste the same to me, but Benjy still says that the yoke is brighter Orange because they have more blood in them. Yuck, right..... yet even Benjy looks forward to FARM FRESH EGGS NOW!
Karsyn will tell me she only wants Grandpa's FARM FRESH EGGS. If I grab other eggs she gets very defensive of Grandpa's eggs. Kaydree will only eat them scrambled. My parents have great renewable food storage! ;-)


Audrey said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE farm fresh eggs!!!

Kathy Koch said...

Well Well Well we have finally converted you to farm fresh eggs and you will admit it. What am I saying I still have a little hang up about them I do use them in all my baking and that seems fine and the grandkids were way more open to eating them then we adults but we too are coming to our senses and eating healthier. Dad will be very excited that you appreciate his eggs and he loves that the grandkids get excited about them as well. Tell Ben the reason the yolks are brighter orange is because they eat cracked corn and we have absolutely no enhancements in their feed except the occasional crickets they love so much......

Nicole said...

They do look a little different, but that's great that you know exactly where they came from and what went into the chickens.

Ashton & Co. said...

Great idea! I like how your parents have apples and now eggs! What fun grandparents! I'v never tried farm fresh eggs...

shantel said...

Well said Audrey! What ever works best for your family is what you should do,but I must say I'm glad you went public again because I would forget to read yours because it wouldn't tell me when you had a new post on my computer, selfish reason I know.

Andie said...

I guess I've only had fresh eggs once when I got some from the DeGoliers. I was scared because they cooked up orange but the kiddos ate them right up! So now I am learning that this is normal?!?

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Farm fresh eggs...I'm not sure I can handle> I think I'd be like Benj at first and then they would win me over. So cute Karsee loves them! Shes a country girl at heart huh!

Unknown said...

Dear Kristen
Sorry about your stress, teaching in high school would do that to you ha haha. Send me some delicious eggs, seems like the girls have lots of fun at the farm. Thanks for all the cute pics, we love to see them. Take care.
