Thursday, September 4, 2008

Soccer Sisters....

The girls had their first Soccer Practices last night. We were a little worried about Karysn, since she had gotten shots in the morning. She loves her pink band aides. At the doctor's office she was wearing all pink down to her little undies, and the nurse picked pink band aides and said, " I think I have you pegged for a pink girl!"
They were both very excited to go to soccer.
Karsyn stood in her sassy stance most of the time, hands on hips!
Kaydree was suffering while she had to wait an hour for her practice.
Benjy was working during the practices... that blackberry... rings all the time. Job security I guess... we are grateful for that!
It was a little chilly out there by the end of the night.
Once again, thanks to the blackberry, Kaydree took over and started playing some chicken crossing the road game? The whole family makes use of it.

It was a beautiful night.. and we get to go back again tonight!


Samantha Hussong said...

Did karsyn enjoy it? I thought about signing Gabe up for soccer but I can't imagine being the coach trying to get 3 year olds to listen and learn soccer. Bless their soul.

Andie said...

Yes, the Blackberry provides entertainment for children and adults alike at our house, too. ;-)

I'm glad the girls like soccer. Bundle up tonight! I'm already snuggled up in a blanket inside my house and it's the middle of the day!

Kathy Koch said...

Looks like you are going to have two soccer players and I cannot wait to hear how the first game goes. Don't you just love the crisp fall air. We never did soccer but alot of football. Luckily almost all your sports were inside where it was nice and warm. Have fun again tonight....

Serena said...

I was just thinking today, how I love the crisp, cool fall air. I would much rather be cool than hot. Or maybe I would like to be both. LOL. Have fun at soccer!!

The Seaman Family said...

They both are so cute! And glad to hear that the are loving Socer! John may have to challenge them here some day. Have fun girls and enjoy the night. I love how cool its out!

Ashton & Co. said...

How fun! cute first day of school pics, too!

Laurel Criddle said...

How cute! I bet it was good for Karsee to get out that and let out some energy. That is so nice that Benjy can even be there to watch. You ought to get him to coach! hahaha The girls look huge!! :(