Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The USS Bowfin Submarine

was a very neat experience even for a claustrophobic person!
I don't really know why I started out with my sunglasses on. The day was a little foggy, still recovering from the gyro.
Lots of fun little gadgets.
Little spaces to crawl through, not my favorite part.
Some places in the submarine are bigger then you think.
The boys playing with the guns.
I think we were all glad to be out on top again. I can't imagine what it was like to be confined to this space for weeks at a time. I bet when the time came, they were really glad to be out on top again, too!


Kathy Koch said...

That would be so interesting to go in a sub and just experience how they lived. Do not think I could do it but still interesting.

Kristen said...

Thanks MOM. Love you!