Monday, June 29, 2009

Awards Ceremony

On the last night of Safety camp they had a huge Awards Ceremony. The excitement in the air was CRAZY! You could tell they had a blast.
Each team had their own cheer. Kaydree's was the PURPLE SCREAM!
Kaydree getting piggy back rides brought back memories. Being the shortest one has it's advantages!
It was two full days filled with FUN!


Danny and Shalayne said...

I love that your girls still take sunday naps with you! so fun!!!

Kathy Koch said...

I am so glad Kaydree enjoyed the camp. It looks like she is having a lot of fun at the awards ceremony...

Audrey said...

I think you should teach miss K that it is ironic to ride on the back of another little girl who very well can't hold her up for long at safety camp:):):)

shantel said...

Looks like a lot of fun!!