I don't know what happens once we walk into a store but for some reason my sweet little girls turn into crazy bickering little monkeys! They seem to get all this energy, thousands of questions (some of which are....can I get this?), and endless whining of, "Our we done yet?"
By the time we get home, I am usually exhausted, hungry and crabby and they are just starting to erupt into an all out fight! I sent them outside to jump on the trampoline to burn off some energy only to eventually hear screaming or crying because someone got a little too rough.
Just when I was ready to pull my hair out, I sent them to "time out" away from one another in their respective rooms. As I was sitting on the couch wondering if this was a sign for what was to come this summer, I heard Kaydree start playing a church hymn all on her own, " Do What is Right."
I then broke down in tears of gratitude for the beautiful girls I have. These must be pregnancy hormones, but I will take these moments when I realize just how blessed I am and just how fast this summer will slip away from us....so I will continue to treasure these crazy bickering monkeys that my sweet girls turn into from time to time.
Today Karsyn left for Grandpa and Grandma's house for the week, with her cousin Nick, and I already miss hearing the girls laughing and fighting together!
You gotta love summer!! Enjoy life one day at a time!! We hope Karsyn has fun at her grandparents and they spoil her rotten.
Your girls are such sweet, good girls!! YAY for summer!
I know a parent is not supposed to enjoy momemts of discomfort that their children might be experiencing but boy does that story bring back memories of my three kids. I had to smile because I lived those days so many times while you were all growing up. I see though that regardless you got the most important message of all ENJOY them to the max fighting and all because the days are precious and you will never get them back and believe me you will miss them... Karsyn and Nick are having a great time I am sure we will also have a moment or two but so far they have been gigglers not fighters.
Aw nuts, I thought I was good to go in a few years, but I guess it's only the beginning!
The Kennedy's love Karsyn and Kaydree!
I have not checked blogs for a while and now I see so much going on with you! Congrats on having a boy! YEAH! YOu will love having him after having girls...they are so different! Sounds like summer has hit and you guys are having fun! Hope all is well with you!
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