Friday, May 1, 2009

Do I Need to Apologize?

I know that most days, I am found moaning and groaning, sleeping, eating, or just laying around. I am sure some people are tired of hearing about how I feel, eat and sleep. There is usually truth in sarcasm, right? I wonder if I should apologize but the reality of it is....this is my reality. There isn't a moment that doesn't go by that I am not thinking about being pregnant, feeling pregnant or excited to be pregnant. When your body is going through noticeable changes very quickly, it is hard not to notice. Ask Benjy, just this morning he enjoyed pointing some of them out to me!
So here comes an apology for my inability to keep it together at a moment like this...for the next 6 months or so. My hormones are wacko right now to say the least, but I love it. No matter how sick I feel at times, I love it. No matter how tired I am, I love it! I will say I don't remember it being like this with the girls and neither does Benjy. He has been amazing and the girls are so unbelievably excited. My amazing family members, even Charlee...have just accepted this temporarily not as active MOM!
I am giving myself a pass to cherish this moment in my life, to slow down and do whatever works for me and my family. For the record, I am skipping out on so many deals at the stores right now, not getting to the gym, only subbing once a week, if that, and missing out on other various activities that I just don't have the energy for. Oh well! I think life is still going on around me.
Benjy and I agree that our priorities right now are... nurturing the little spirits we have already been entrusted with and in helping our Heavenly Father bring this little spirit into the world happy and healthy.
I see becoming a mother again as one of my greatest privileges, responsibilities and blessings. So do I need to apologize to those who don't want to hear about our pregnancy? Do I need to apologize to those who don't think I am doing enough for them? (non friends and family members) Do I need to apologize for only doing my hair once a week? (Actually I wash it now and let it dry curly.... I did this often with Kaydree and Karsyn's pregnancies too!)
Maybe I am the world's worst pregnant woman...but at least I am happy and feel extremely peaceful and to me that is what it is all about! So do I feel like my life has been somewhat slowed down to the essentials only? Yes....and it's GREAT! Simplicity is an amazing GIFT!

D&C 10: 4
4 Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end.


Tina said...

Girl you should hear how much I whined while pregnant! Poor Bill!! I HATED being pregnant, yes I was "one of those" I couldn't wait to not be. I'm surprised I did it 3 times!! If you feel the need to apologize, then do it. Those of us that have been there understand. The ones that haven't, well they don't know how hard it is. Keep that baby cooking!

The Miller Family said...

No way! You have every right to feel the way you do and act the way you feel! I know some women that have effortless pregnancies...and I hate them. Just kidding! But really, there seem to be those women that can do anything and go aywhere, and still look great doing it, even when they're pregnant. I'm so not one of them.

I think it's just important for everyone to realize that everyone's different, and THAT'S OKAY! I just try not to hold others to the standard I have for myself, since I never know what their personal limitations might be...does that make sense?

For example...Joe-Z did the dinner dishes almost every night from about 5 weeks to 13 weeks. And he hates doing dishes. But he loves me, and understood how bad my back hurt, and how tired and sick I was. Some women laughed at that and called me weak or told me just to "suck it up"...but for me, that's just the way it was...AND IT WORKED FOR US! I think that's the key. Your life, your family...your rules!

I wish I was there to see you as your pregnancy progresses...I'm sure you're beautiful and will only get more so, even with you air-dried curly hair! ;o)

Audrey said...

You in no way should be apologizing for feeling the way you do and acting upon that. This is your journy and I, for one, think you are doing just fine. This is a time to take it all in and take care of yourself. If that means only getting out of your pj's twice a week, great because it is what is best for you and your family.

I think you are doing just fine. As far and feeling as though you shouldn't share what you are feeling and expieriencing with your family and friends, that is ridiculous. This is a record for you and your future. We are happy to hear about all of your joys and aches!

I love you!

The "Serene" Life said...

My Energy level has decreased too Kris. I just get wore out quicker than I used to. I like to think I can keep up the same tempo even when I'm pregnant.....but I know I can't so I rest more and try and sneak in a nap when possible and I tell myself not to feel guilty about it. Good luck...thinking of you!

Serena said...

No need at all to apologize!! The best thing is to take care of you and your family. Everyone else can grow up and take care of themselves!!

shantel said...

You still have more energy than me when I'm not pregnant!! Enjoy your sleepy time because in 7 short months you won't have it. :)

P.S. I'm really really really tired, if that makes you feel less guilty.

Becki D said...

No need to apologize! Your priorities are exactly where they should be and your family will only benefit.

Linz said...

Sounds like you are on the right track to me! You have plenty of time in your life after the baby arrives to get deals, cook, do whatever else. Soak up this experience. You have your priorities straight.

Janice Anderson said...

DO NOT APOLOGIZE. I agree with Audrey wholeheartedly. This is your record. We choose to read it because we care. Savor these times. Enjoy each moment as it happens. Take care of yourself, your new life inside, and your girls and Benjy in whatever ways you are able. And call to let me know when I can come over and clean out your frig or throw a couple of loads of laundry in.

Sarah said...

I love your attitude! I agree that the most important thing you can do right now is take care of the little baby growing inside of you. Don't worry about the rest of the stuff- it's not important.

Kathy Koch said...

Do you need to apologize? Absolutely not of all the people I know you go above and beyond what is expected of you and that is why you will take the time you need to be well physically and mentally and if someone does not understand that then so be it and because what they think is not going to be what makes you happy and well....I won't tell you what I would really like to say to some of those people because it is not very nice. As I have always said if you cannot say something nice then do not say anything at allll. I suppose I should be the next one to apologize because I am feeling very protective of my daughter and grandchild.

Samantha Hussong said...

I agree with your mom and I do know you don't want to make your mom angry (visit in CO one summer). Why on earth would you need to apologize? Who on earth would complain or critisize you about your life? Don't let somebody else ruin your happiness!