Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Words That We Don't Use Anymore.

Kaydree and Karsyn hanging out on their Great-Grandma's DAVENPORT!
Their Grandma curling their Great-Grandma's Hair.
The girls always look forward to putting together one of Grandma's puzzles and they usually take one or two home every time we visit.
As I was asking my Grandma about her old DAVENPORT that I use to sleep on as a child, it hit me and stopped me in my thoughts. I realized that I hadn't used that word in years, but being back in her home, it just came out of nowhere. How many words will be lost with the generations before us, when they are gone?
Just wondering, do any of you have another word for an item that just isn't common to use anymore?


Kristen said...

Does anyone know what a biffy is? Benjy didn't.

Danny and Shalayne said...

I don't think I know what a biffy is, but I have used the word "Biff" referring to an accident, falling, tripping or crashing or something and everyone looks at me like "I haven't heard that word since 1990!" welp...I still use if occasionally because it seems to fit well in some conversations!

Andie said...

Isn't biffy a bathroom? Janice taught me that one.

Also, I have heard a lot of people from out west call a glove compartment a "jockey box". I'm not sure what the origin of that one is, but I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud the first time I heard it.

Tim Larsen said...

How about the hassock (footrest)?

Nicole said...

I thought the same as Andrea, a biffy was a bathroom/port a potty.

My grandpa calls the remote a "clicker"...I don't know if that's common of if it's just him.

Tina said...

ha ha ha davenport! Also I say biffy to mean a port a potty. My brother teases me about the WAY I say things, like coupon and syrup. Darn those english teachers.