Saturday, June 21, 2008

What is De-Grandmatizing?

We have been home for two days now, and we are so thankful that Grandpa and Grandma are here for a couple days. It helps with the de-grandmatizing (a definition we have in our family). Our children have to come back to reality after spending time with Grandma. Reality of... that we don't do all of the things Grandma does...(a few examples... cut off all your crust, wiping your bottom, (toddlers) when we know you can do it yourself, warming up your chocolate milk, and being infinitely patient with you when you are having melt downs, the list goes on and on....I don't know how my mom has all of the energy she has and the ability to show love for the individual, the way she does. My mom was an amazing mother growing up. She gave a part of herself to us in so many ways that we may have took for granted just how blessed we truly were. We knew we had a (COOL MOM) because all of our friends told us that and wanted to hang out at our house. ( I think all of the awesome Schwan's Food that our freezers were always stocked with, might have also been another reason! Thanks dad worked for Schwan's for 25 years.) I have amazing parents, I always knew it, and now my children have unbelievable Grandparents that love them in way that will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives.


The Miller Family said...

This is a GREAT post! We love grandparents around here too! Glad you guys are back safe!

The Seaman Family said...

Kristen you truly have amazing parents. I have seen it many times and have been touched by both of them. They are so kind and sweet and your mom dosen't stop:)Where does she get it from? I love her energy and she can always make you smile! How great that your kids get to really see it and experience it and of course get spolied a little here and there! I think it's great! You and your family (and others,)are truly blessed!