Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I can't even measure the amount of stress that Benjy and I both feel when flying with little ones. We had gotten out of this stage with the girls. They bring books, their DS, Ipod, snacks and movies and can sit all day like this. Kyce on the other hand takes constant wrangling, wrestling, bribing and trips to the restroom in order to give the other passengers temporary silence. By the way, we are the family that walks onto the plane and people say, "We hope they aren't sitting by us!" Yes, people actually do say these things and with reason. We wish we weren't sitting by us! I can hear the circus music playing as we enter the plane.

Yes, those are some of the bribing tools, gummy lifesavers. He has so much energy and trying to contain it in a very small space is a lot of work. He is as happy as can be...who would think that something so small can be so LOUD?
We waited to pull out the movie until he started to get really tired.
Finally after 20 minutes in the restroom with a claustrophobic mom, holding him in this position, he fell asleep. The parents and fellow travelers experience pure joy at this point and then 5 minutes later, we land....
And finally we get a warm welcome from little sweet Ada and Grandpa!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh you finally got your little buddy to snuggle with you while he sleeps! Too bad it didn't get to last longer!

Anonymous said...

Reading this is starting my anxiety for having to fly with Trayson next week! EEK!

Anna Stoelting Dailey said...

I know how that goes. I often used to feel like I should have asprin to offer to people unfortunate enough to sit nearby when I took my crew into waiting rooms, trains and airplanes when they were toddlers. I spent one trip with toddler Emma, aligator wrestling her the entire way. Every time I tried to loosen my grip she hit or kicked me. That was the LAST time I took Emma on a flight. Have you heard Bill Cosby's "Jeffrey" routine? It's worth looking up.

The Seaman Family said...

Oh how we know this feeling, but this time we were in our own car for hours and es these little ones are loud. Let me tell you. I have now decided I need to switch my name from Mom to something they dont know...heard it way to many times in the car!

Danny and Shalayne said...

I know how you feel!! Ada is getting better, luckily, but it is still a major event of entertaining her.