Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Villarreal Family Reunion 2009

We have been looking forward to this trip for almost a year. I was a little worried about traveling at this point in the pregnancy...(being tired, hormones, the heat...headaches...preterm labor....etc.) but it all went GREAT! It was an amazing trip all around.
The girls just love their time with Grandpa. You can see that Grandma french braided their hair. Kaydree's first request!
The girls didn't waste anytime making up for lost time with their cousins. It's been two years since we have seen them. Asai and Diego are a year older than Kaydree and Aaron and Siosi are the same age as Karsyn. They got a lot of hanging out with the boys..time and they had a blast!
Kaydree and Karsyn had their own personal teenagers which is what they considered Keave and Malia. Within the first hour they had their toes and fingers painted and hair done! I can't tell you how sweet it was to sit back and watch how much my girls just latched onto them and how patient and kind they were. They were natural caretakers for the girls and played with them the entire time. How will I ever compete?
I think the girls got their nails done almost everyday!
They had so much fun!
Karsyn with all of her imagination had them playing school, house and who knows what, but you can bet it centered around her being pampered!
The first morning the guys cooked breakfast. It was so good! Benjy and his brother, Mike.
Benjy got his playing with the boys time in too! Tony had us all laughing. Kaydree told us that she will miss how much "fun" it is to be around Uncle Tony!
It makes me sad to look at these pictures because the time went by way too fast.
I am excited however to blog the rest of our trip.


Kathy Koch said...

I looked forward to seeing your blog about your trip and as usual you have some wonderful pictures.
I think that had to have been one of the best birthday presents Ben could get a chance to celebrate and spend time with his family. I look forward to seeing the rest of the pictures..

Nicole said...

Looks like a really fun trip. Visiting family always goes by too fast.

Chris said...

It's great to see the girls having fun with family and making memories of their own. Great times like those are the ones my girls always remember and want to do again and again. I'm happy your feeling well and excited for a pregnancy update.

The Seaman Family said...

What a great time!! The kids looked like they enjoyed every minute of it and more. Sorry it went by so fast!

Serena said...

Good to hear the trip was excellent! Time with family is the best!