Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.

The excitement is in the air. The guys have been cooking and baking all day. The kids have been practicing their Annual Christmas Play. We just sang Christmas Carols and my heart is full. I just love this time of the year. I love looking at the serenity of the Nativities placed throughout the house. I can't imagine what Mary felt about the upcoming birth of the Son of God. I can't imagine the magnitude of what she felt and yet from all the depictions of what we know, she seemed to be peaceful amidst some very difficult circumstances. I am so grateful to be celebrating the Birth of our Savior. I can't help but feel reflective and yet at this time of year, I pray for those who are struggling with the loss of loved ones, struggling with poor health, sadness or any type of despair. I pray that throughout the world tonight that people will feel the love of their Savior and be surrounded with peace and joy. I pray that broken relationships will be healed and that families and friendships will be strengthened. May the light of Christ burn within each of us.


Kathy Koch said...

You said it so well We wish peace and happiness for all.

The house was busy busy busy yesterday with making cookies, lefsa and homemade pizza. Wow it was wonderful

We have been so blessed and are so grateful for our family and the opportunity we have to spend time together.

May the love of Jesus Christ be with you all.....

Linz said...

That was so beautiful, Kristen. I also love sentence #2. Having the guys in the kitchen is a Christmas present in itself.

memories by Jan said...

Your post was so lovely. Thank you. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas.