Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye...

to people is difficult however so is saying goodbye to a house that holds so many memories.
Over Memorial Day Weekend we went to Marshall for some graduation receptions and we had one of them at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was the first time I had ever seen it completely empty and most likely the last time I would ever walk through it. So many memories of visiting from Colorado to spend time with our cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents. We would drive hours and hours and we were always so excited pulling into Grandma and Grandpa's house. After Holidays or long summers, we would leave their house usually in the wee morning hours and I still picture Grandma standing on the front step, waving goodbye and crying.
About this time last summer my Grandma fell and broke her hip and she had to succumb to an assisted living facility. Which is very nice and has lots of activities for her to participate in, however it isn't home to her. After a long winter and maybe the realization of not being able to drive anymore, she decided to sell her house. (A very wise decision)
This was the room that my parents slept in that was later made into a laundry room after Grandma couldn't do the stairs anymore. When I would visit from college and my parents were out west for work, I would sleep in this room.
The kitchen is where we spent most of our time. Right before my Grandpa passed away from cancer, we were going to Subway, but he didn't feel well enough to go, so Grandma and I went and got it and brought it back. I still remember our conversation and it helped me know when I met Benjy that he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. When we spent our summers here, Grandma usually made us fried eggs with crispy edges, toast with grape jelly and Sunny D.
In this corner, in front of the bookshelf always sat a reclining chair that we would play behind as kids. Grandpa use to sit and watch cartoons and laugh, the most contagious laugh. We usually couldn't walk past his chair without him pinching us, tapping us on the leg or teasing us in some way.
Two years ago, my mom and I cleaned up this back room and here it is completely empty. It was such an odd feeling walking through this empty house. We know that this is the right decision however it marks a different time and season in our lives. When you lose something that has been such a pillar of stability in your life, even if it is a physical object, it reminds you that a lot of time has passed and this is a huge change.
I am so glad that we got to have one last gathering at this old house that has held so many fond memories. We moved many times when I was growing up for my dad's work but Grandma and Grandpa's house was always a house that I could come home to. Grandpa and Grandma and their home, were always a constant in our life. Part of who I am and what I hold dear, developed in the memories and lessons I learned while spending time in this house with the people I love.


Samantha Hussong said...

Thanks alot Kris - made me cry!

Oh the memories....

Kathy Koch said...

Oh my gosh I did not shed a tear while we were cleaning out the house and I just felt relief that it was done but this made me cry like I had a death in the family and maybe in some ways it is.

I knew I would feel sad but as usual your beautiful writing has made me reflect on many wonderful memories Thank you I will look back at this many times and be glad you were able to capture the love that came from this house...

Kansas Kochs said...

What a great way for everyone to hold all those years of wonderful memories close to heart Kris, thank you for this wonderful blog.

shantel said...

Wow what an amazing post!!

Villablog members said...

I remember the day they tore down my grandma's house to expand the freeway, it was so weird watching them bulldoze away special Easter Egg hiding spots, the play room, house sitting and more. Thanks for sharing your memories and triggering many warm memories of my grandma's house.