Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things Don't Always Go As Planned.

Although we got off to a tough start in the Level Two Nursery and things didn't go exactly like we planned, we were still able to have many tender moments with Kyce. We would have loved to have him in our room with us but my heart just aches for those parents that have gone through a lot worse than we did. We saw babies in there that made Kyce look like a giant, babies that have been in there for 6 weeks and babies that can't be held at all. If I think about it, I still get teary eyed. Having Kyce in the Level Two Nursery was difficult for us as I am sure it is for every parent. When Kaydree and Karsyn were born, they came to bring Kaydree to the Nursery once and they got half way down the hall and Benjy wanted to go and get her. So she had one short trip to the Nursery in 3 days, maybe an hour or so. When Karsyn was born they took her on the second night after we reluctantly said they could take her between a feeding and they actually brought her back to me and said she was waking up all the other babies. So obviously we had to let go the idea of how we wanted things to be with Kyce in the room with us as much as possible. Our little peanut loved this little snuggly thing they have in there. We thought it was so cute how it looked like he was praying with his feet. He still does this at home sometimes.
When we would get up every 2-3 hours to go feed him, Benjy would often look at me and say, "Aren't you tired." I have to admit, I don't know if it was the hormones or the pain medication, but I couldn't wait to go see him again and didn't feel tired. Often times the nurses would come in to wake us up and I was standing there waiting for Benjy to get up so we could go.
I would nurse him, but then we would do extra supplementing with my milk through a bottle, just to make sure he was always getting enough. Benjy did the bottling and was very good at it!
Once again, we threw out the idea of not giving Kyce any bottles for a couple of weeks, so that he would be a great nurser. Whatever...he is a little lion when it comes time to eat. Giving him the bottle doesn't seem to have effected that in any way. Bonus: He takes a bottle really well... great for the day after Thanksgiving Shopping Day and going to see New Moon!
I love those little toes. He looked like E.T. except the light was on his foot instead of his finger!
We have had so much fun already having him home. Although after the first 8 hours we had an entire full load of laundry of just Kyce's blankets, onsies, pajamas, socks and burp cloths. I mean really. I can't even tell you how many times we have been tinkled on! In fact Benjy took him to the room to have a little talk with him about this tinkling on us, himself and everything else. In fact if you ask Benjy about it , he could go on for hours about how ridiculous this is that we can't seem to get control of this little issue.
Finding good socks that stay on his feet is a task!
He looks so tiny in his little car seat. I told Benjy when we found out we were pregnant that this time, the hospital was going to have to kick me out before I would go home. I went home a day early with both girls because Benjy was ready to get home and get out of the hospital. Well this time I was the one who was ready to run out the door of the hospital. Other than two not so good experiences, overall we had a great nursing staff. I just couldn't wait to get Kyce home in order to have unlimited access to him, to be able to hold him for hours, to be able to watch him sleep and have him with us at all times! I seriously watch him with the girls and I am just so, so happy! I feel like he is our miracle little baby that for a couple of years, we just didn't think would happen and I thank my Father in Heaven and my husband for the blessing of this beautiful little baby.


Laurel Criddle said...

Wow you guys, you have a beautiful beautiful baby on your hands! He is so precious! It makes me want to see him so badly! I love reading the details! Its so fun to see you experiencing 'boys'! I don't think the whizzing on everything all the time stops for a while though! Cade still does fact he did it today! I love baby Kyce already! Great pics and keep them coming! I just told Kevin what an amazing blessing to have everything go so well with home coming to your family. We prayed for you all daily. He is very lucky to have you as parents.

Chris said...

So glad Kyce is home and things are going so well. It's great to hear happiness in your "voice" again.
Take care.
Hugs & kisses to the cute little boy!

The Gant's said...

I am so happy for you guys! Kyce is a cutie! Get use to getting peed on. My mother-in-law bought us tee pees, where you cover their little penis with it as you change them. Can't wait to see this little guy grow up along with Colton. Congrats!

Serena said...

Thanks for the pictures. He is a cute little boy. Glad that you are all home together. Give your family our love!!

Brenda said...

He is so beautiful! Congrats! I hope everything is smooth sailing from now on. Have you thought about getting a blessing for the trauma you all went through? I know I would need one! Best wishes all around and to the new big sisters too!

Luann said...

He is adorable, your mood seems so much happier now that you have your "little leaker" home. COngratulations on your growing family. When does everyone get to meet eachother?

Madyun9 said...

Hey, he really is cute. Thank for sharing the pic.

Danny and Shalayne said...

Oh I am so glad everything has worked out and that you all are home now!! He is adorable!!! I just want to snuggle him!

Kathy Koch said...

I love all these new experiences you are having with Kyce and I bet they will just keep coming. I love Luann's nickname Little Leaker how cute. I have to say he is really a cutie and we are so happy you are all home and your family is all together. Can't wait to get my hands on him again.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! We are so happy for you. Kyce is so tiny. How are the girls adapting?

Schreurs said...

He is so adorable, all that hair is amazing! I love seeing photos of the little guy and can't wait to see photos of Kyce with his proud big sisters! What a blessing for all of you!

shantel said...

He is beautiful!! I'm glad everything is going good.

I love all of his hair. :)

The Seaman Family said...

He is so darn cute! Holding him today was so fun! He's such a peanut! I love the hair too! Glad things are going so much better and that everyone is well.
PS: it makes me sad to see those pjs on little one is getting way to big, ugh! But he looks so cute in them.

Hermana Whitehead said...

Kyce is just beautiful, Kris and Benjy. Congratulations! So glad everyone is healthy and happy.

Linda said...

What a beautiful baby! I am so glad things are going well now. And so sorry you had to go through so much! Enjoy every minute with that little guy!!!!