Friday, April 23, 2010

The Reality of....

doing laundry and dishes. It was normal in our home growing up to get home from school and my mom would always tell us that there was a pile of our clothes to put away on our bed. I remember being mildly to moderately irritated at the chore that had to be done as I walked in the door and wanted to plop down at the table in order eat the baked goods that my mom usually had waiting for us.
WHAT was wrong with me? How could I, just like my children do, not realize that my mother had been doing laundry, cooking and cleaning for us all day long. Who brought the laundry downstairs, sorted it, washed it, dried it and most of the time ironed it? (my mom irons t-shirts... I don't go that far)
Now that my entire day yesterday was spent cleaning and doing laundry, I understand why my mother use to say, "Put your stuff away and do not make a mess." Have I become my mother and allowed those exact same words that irritated me, slip from my mouth on a daily basis? YES.. YES, I have and what I have realized was that I was a spoiled little b_ _ t, that took for granted the dedication, love and devotion that my mother spent on me on a regular basis.

Here is the reality of it.... cleaning, dishes and laundry are NEVER ENDING tasks. Dishes get dirty at least 3 times a day, we have a least 5 different outfits, maybe even more especially with soccer starting, getting worn and 5 people's worth of STUFF being used constantly.
My poor husband has taught early morning seminary and has worked long hours on a brief that is due today. He has sacrificed sleep and hobbies in order to complete his task. He will send it off today and never have to do that "exact same" task again and again and again. He will breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy his weekend relaxing....
Is there anyway to keep a clean house and not feel like you are doing the same thing over and over and over again with no END in sight?
In fact... as I write dishes are being dirtied, clothes are being worn and stuff is laying around!
These tasks are never ever done....


Samantha Hussong said...

I feel the same way - cleaning and putting laundry away has got to be the worst ever. It is never ending and you know as soon as you get done you will have to start over. I still go back to the time grandma confessed and said she would just fold your clothes that you didn't wear very long and put them back in your suitcase, how funny.

There is this quote from the vinyl letter book that goes: "An immaculate home is a boring lady" so consider yourself not boring when something is out of place or hasn't gotten put away.

Love Ya!

shantel said...

Glad I'm not the only one that feels this way....

A mother's work is never done...this saying is so true, even though Mike likes to give me crap when I say this. :)

Kathy Koch said...

Wow I wanted to give you a bad time about finally realizing I was not always getting after you guys to be mean but decided just to say thank you...
It may seem like no one appreciates all that gets done in a day but hearing you now tells me that you do.
I told you once that sometimes I wish I had let the dishes or the dusting or whatever go and spent more time with reading books or doing things with you kids so learn by my mistakes because some day it will be really easy to keep your house clean laundry done but the house will be really quiet and you will miss the mess and the laughter...

Laurel Criddle said...

Ditto....I was just thinking today 'I wish I wouldn't wait until 1.5 weeks of laundry was piled up before I start doing it" It NEVER ENDS!!!! I guess the only thing that gives me hope is that someday Ryan and Cade will be old enough to help with their laundry and with the dishes...that isn't too far for you! Hang in there....but yes, I sure do appreciate my mom for the same. Wow!

Sissy Jackson said...

You go girl. Being the mom stinks sometimes but your mans an attorney...get a HOUSE KEEPER! That is my advice...JK!!!:) dont we WISH!