Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Story About a Turkey.

Here is a little story of a Turkey named, Tom. He was a good turkey. He walked around fluffing his feathers and puffing his chest out for all the female turkeys at Grandpa and Grandma's house. All winter, Tom, was well fed. He was a large (obese) corn fed Turkey that put on his winter fat in order to survive the Minnesota winters. He had recently been let loose to roam the land and he enjoyed the sunny spring time weather until.... one day, two dogs showed up. One by the name of Bruce and the other being Charlee. Now, Charlee has been known to be a Turkey/chicken chaser out at Grandpa and Grandma's house, however his small stature doesn't usually intimidate much. Bruce on the other hand, has somewhat of an intimidation factor to him. Both the dogs may or may not have chased Tom, Turkey a couple of times. One fateful morning they happened to chase him back to back and Tom's big old heart surrounded in oodles of fat just couldn't endure the adrenaline rush. Or after a winter of inactivity his heart finally spontaneously combusted with all of the recent exercise because when Grandpa and I looked out his window, we noticed a heap of feathers laying on the ground and sure was Tom.
We debated on what should be done with Tom's carcass. We discussed a burial, a trip to the burn pile and after much excitement the men folk decided to provide a meal for us women folk.

Warning the next couple of pictures should not be viewed by the faint at heart. Footless Tom.
Grandpa shaving the fat off of Tom's heart.
Making a Tom Turkey fountain.
Which didn't quite work out the way they had planned.
A Bodiless Tom.
Kyce not sure he liked this.A boiled, featherless Tom. Which ironically smelled like wet dog.

Tom's carcass.

We all agreed that Tom was just way too fat to taste good. From what I hear, he tasted horrible and was very tough. The best part is that Karsyn had run out of writing ideas at writer's workshop. She has plenty to write about now! I wonder what her teacher will think about this story?


Anonymous said...

Oh what an awesome way to end our weekend expedition! Your parents were so awesome to go along with our silly boy's and their macho idea! LOVE it.

Audrey said...

RIP Tom!

Laurel Criddle said...

Poor Tom! Why am I not surprised a bunch of men decided to try and eat it? hahaha funny story.

Danny and Shalayne said...

first, when did kyce get to be 5 years old?! Seriously he looks so grown up!

And sad for tom!

shantel said...

Poor Tom!

Kathy Koch said...

I cannot say I miss the tom turkey but I think the hen turkey might especially now that it is spring..Maybe that is why his heart gave out to much spring fever......

Kristen said...

Mom... Benjy must be rubbing off on you!!!

Angie said...

I have to admit to some chuckles as I read about the fate of Tom.