Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lots of Farm Fresh Eggs to Color.

Grandpa and Grandma came up to help Karsyn celebrate her birthday and she went back home with them. Kaydree had a soccer game early Saturday morning so we stayed up in the cities for it. When we arrived on Saturday afternoon, Lori and Grandma had the eggs boiled and ready to go. Coloring eggs at Grandpa and Grandma's house is always interesting because we get all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors before we begin. Karsyn is a great egg picker and and washer. We picked up Grandma Ruth on our way so that she could get some Easter Celebrating in with us. We all laughed because for Dinner that night, my mom made pork tenderloins, baked potatoes and some salads but Grandma wanted fried eggs and toast. She lives about 26 miles from my parents house so it was great that my Aunt Karen and Uncle Doug picked her up to bring her home and we got to see them for Easter, too!

Charlee loves to snuggle up next to Grandma. I think he knows that she isn't going to be getting up and down very often. He gets to sleep uninterrupted.


Clint said...

Looks like it was a fun weekend...

Kathy Koch said...

I still laugh when I think about Grandma wanting bacon and eggs instead of a bigger dinner. That is the one thing she misses about not being in her own home is being able to fry an egg...The microwave just isn't the same...We had a great time coloring eggs and the funny thing is even though some of them were blue and beige to begin with they still colored well....Yes a big thank you to Doug and Karen for stopping to pick grandma up so she could enjoy the afternoon with us.....

Anonymous said...

I love that you use fresh farm eggs. It seem so much more authentic!

AND, you haven't told me the bottle drama with kyce. No worries though because he isn't quite 18 mo. yet right? I think you guys are fine. Ada is almost 2 1/2 and she is still sucking her thumb. I haven't even attempted to stop it. Does that make me a bad mom?
-shalayne (I have no idea what acct I am signed in under)

Linz said...

Does Grandma like snuggling up next to Charlee as much as he does? I can't tell by her face. She looks like a sweet Grandma to cuddle up to. That would be so fun to dye eggs that aren't your standard all matching white eggs from the store.

Kristen said...

No, Grandma does not enjoy Charlee snuggling up to her, but she tolerates it. She tells him that he is the laziest dog she has ever met.

shantel said...

So fun, it's so cool that you get to celebrate the holidays with all of your family, I'm totally jealous!

Laurel Criddle said...

Your girls are seriously gorgeous. I'm so glad Karsyn had a great birthday. I would love to have my boys meet Charlie! :) Great pics!