Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Do the Lutherans, Catholics and Mormons

all in one family, celebrate Christmas together? We focus not on our differences but on the things we have in common, like our love for one another and our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and in celebrating his birth.
Since my conversion into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints over 12 years ago, I have been blessed beyond measure with supportive family and friends. They have gone out of their way to study what we believe and have supported me and my family in every decision along the way. To that, I am eternally grateful. In bringing all of our beliefs together, every year we have had the Nativity Play performed by the children with one of us adults helping direct it. This year Courtney and Korin rounded up the little ones and put on an excellent program.
It started with Christmas Carols sung by everyone and an opening prayer by Kaydree.
Kenna and Kaydree gave little talks about the Birth of the Savior. Sydney read a story about making sure that the Savior is invited into and plays a part in our celebrations. Noah read from Luke 2. All of the children participated in a program about being naughty and nice and that the most important thing about Christmas isn't about getting gifts. Then we ended with all of us standing in a circle holding hands and saying the Lord's Prayer. We have had many discussions about religion in our family but the most important thing is that we want to be united and not divided. Our Father in Heaven gave us Families so that we could learn to love one another despite our differences. I am so grateful that we all find common ground. I am so grateful for the love, support and respect that we feel for one another and give to each other. To me... that is what Christmas is all about...uniting in love and the greatest example for all of us, is Our Savior, Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful way to celebrate his birth.


Kathy Koch said...

As I read this with tears in my eyes I say AMEN

We are so blessed to have family that loves us supports us and as you say a common ground of loving Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank you again for a beautiful post....

shantel said...

Great post!!

Danny and Shalayne said...

It is so nice that they are so supportive. That isn't always the case unfortunately, but I'm so glad you have that!!

Anna Stoelting Dailey said...

How really wonderful to have so much loving family in the area.

Chris said...


Chad would like to ask Benjy why he is wearing a KU hat? ;o) Please watch your mailbox, a new one shall arrive soon. LOL!!

Go State!

Love ya