Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall Festival

Our church had another fun Fall Festival.
Our friends came...and we were so thankful. It made it that much more fun. I am bummed that some of them didn't get in this picture. (Kelzenbergs)
Kyce got hot so he went around in his little onsie.We became friends with the Dammers, when Troy and Laiken coached Karsyn. They kept Kyce entertained while we ate. It was so nice....


Laurel Criddle said...

Looks like fun! We always enjoy our ward Halloween party too. LOVE THE COSTUMES! hahah I cannot believe how big that little Kyce is getting. So precious!

Kathy Koch said...

It was great you could have some friends join you for a fun evening..
The costumes are pricelesss..